Healing with Naturopathic Medicine

Ready to start living your best life? Then you're in the right place.


Healing with Naturopathic Medicine

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.

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Hi, I'm Dr. Tanya O'Brien ND

I am the proud co-founder of 2 Naturopathic Moms LCC and have a private practice in Winterholme Wellness Center in St. John's Newfoundland.

Using the best of Western Medicine combined with Natural Remedies I help people 'fix' their bodies so they can get back to doing what they love. I do this work because I truly believe that - Life is to be lived fully, not just merely lived.

Learn More About Me

Energy Boosting Reset

A once a year commitment to detox your body and get back to clean eating, healthy habits and fun!

Natural Immune Boosting Course

Don't want to rely on over the counter meds for every sickness? Learn what foods, herbs and lifestyle tips you can do to keep your immune system in tip top shape!

Optimal Digestion Course

Banish bloating, heartburn, urgent stools or constipation. Learn how the GI Protocol can help heal your digestive woes for good! 

Naturally Energized Method

Ready to get back to living like you SHINE! Don't let fatigue hold you back. This course covers all the bases to ensure you get your energy and your life back!

Specializing in Body Resets, Digestive Health & Exhaustion

I will dive into your whole health history putting the pieces together so we figure out where the underlying cause of your health issues are coming from. You will walk away feeling heard and finally understood. 

From there we will work towards healing the body so it can get back to functioning properly and you can get back to living fully!



Dr. O'Brien saved my life! After years of stomach troubles and specialists, with no quantifiable results, Dr. O'Brien was recommended to me by a coworker with a similar story. Dr. O'Brien was thorough and honed in on my problems quickly and with true answers that explained my symptoms. Her treatments are painless and natural, expect a bit of out of pocket expense (Dr. O'Brien does her best to keep the costs to a minimum and the products are of the highest natural quality),  and work quickly. After years of stomach troubles that no doctors could help with, I am 75% better in under 6 months. If you are suffering and want to try a naturopathic solution I HIGHLY recommend you give Dr. O'Brien the chance to help you get back to a normal life. And the best part, her treatments come to an end, at least for me there has never been the answer of lifetime pills or surgeries. Good luck!


After unexpectedly losing my Mom in February 2020 and then being slammed by the covid pandemic like the rest of us, I lost myself. I was at a breaking point in my life….somewhere I never thought I would be. It’s never been in my character to be down and out. Always so outgoing, and genuinely happy to be alive. The grief, the fear and sadness had consumed me. After trying to do all the things I thought would help to no avail I didn’t know where to turn. I heard about Tanya  from a dear friend and was desperately seeking help. I went in to see her with an open mind and a broken heart. I left Tanya’s office full of hope. I followed her recommendations for the next few weeks and the change was amazing. I feel like myself for the first time in a few years. I’m able to be a better Mom, wife, friend and so much more. I feel better all around and feel like I can “life” again. I am finally feeling that internal happiness and feeling of well being. If you’re finding yourself in a slump as a Mom, wife or just a women in general I highly recommend booking an appointment to see Tanya. I have no doubt she will fix you up. Very warm, kind and easy to talk too. Thank you Tanya. xx


Hello Everyone! I recently completed the 10 day cleanse and Tanya asked that I share my experience. First let me preface that I have been on anti anxiety and depression medication for quite a number of years. I would say the last 4 or 5 years my depression has been worse. I’ve had zero energy to do anything. Getting off the couch to go to bed was a task. So I started the cleanse to help with my liver problems. I hadn’t thought much about cleanses before, but I was worried  for my health and figured it couldn’t hurt and I could do anything for 10 days. I really didn’t feel much difference until the end. On day 8 at work on that afternoon I thought to myself “wait, am I in a good mood?!” Not wanting to get too excited that the cleanse was actually doing something, I went about my day thinking it must be a glitch in the matrix or something. Then the next morning on day 9 I WOKE UP IN A GOOD MOOD!! A good mood with lots of energy too!!! I was stunned I could feel so good after just a few days. I felt like I just got an increase in my Zoloft! But it was simply clean eating. I completed the cleanse Jan 10 and I’m still experiencing increased energy and better mood. 

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